haven't updated the blog for more than a week, sooorry! work is just mad busy at the moment, so much catching up to do!
In other news, this launch is just the perfect icing on the cake for me to strive & work harder-
a Crafted By Mei collaboration with Libresse Malaysia!
Crafted by Mei is a one-of-kind accessory that you won't just find anywhere! The woman behind the business is not your ordinary girl next door, either.
Amelia Tan Cheng Wei, who prefers to be simply called Mei, is an inspiration in more ways than one. At such a young age, the 24-year-old entrepreneur has already fought cancer and built an online business.
Driven by the beauty of life around her, Mei captures the colours of life in crafting accessories that encapsulates a beautiful story of its own.
This, is her story.
At just 18 years old, the age where many of us are partying and chasing the beginning of our dreams, Mei was diagnosed with advanced lymphoma cancer on the spine. She didn't just have to fight to survive through arduous chemotherapy treatments and physiotherapy; she also had to deal with the consequent paralysis that bound her life to a wheelchair.
With precious life hanging by a thread, Mei learned to never let a day go wasted. When she was bedridden for six months due to her illness, she used the time to start experimenting with making accessories by playing with her mother's bead collection. Though her mother had taught her the craft when she was in Form 3, she never really had a passion and focus for the art until then.
Through the craft, Mei found an avenue of expression and connection to the outside world that pulled her out of darkness and depression. Soon, she started selling her handmade accessories online. Word-of-mouth through friends, family, and satisfied repeat customers saw her business grow from year to year.
Mei continues to expand her business to keep up with customer demand. Since her business started in February 2009, Mei's collection of beads has expanded to a rainbow of colours and quirky charms, from roses to frogs! She has also expanded her line from necklaces and bracelets, to rings and key chains (yes, for men too).
While her proud family pitches in to help with the packaging and delivery, Mei is passionately and personally involved in the creation of every piece from beginning to end.
This starts from the email conversations of customer requests, through to sourcing and selection of quality beads, the photography, photo editing, writing and marketing. She even customises each piece to your wrist size, ensuring a perfect fit!
It is with this level of personal customisation, love and commitment that makes Mei's craft unique and so well loved.
Through her eyes, each piece is special; each has it's own story. The way Mei sees beauty in the everyday items of life, which many of us take for granted, shines through in how Mei describes her pieces on her blog. For one particular charm bracelet, Mei writes:
“Life is busy, always on the run, and sometimes in the stillness of our hearts we hear a little voice asking for moments of rest; for peace and serenity; for times when we are freed from demanding schedules and appointments. This bracelet is inspired by that call – clean colours of white beads in opal and chalk, with faint honeydew gathering around the flying sparrow, whose character is well known as carefree and unbothered. And of course, for a dose of fun, I placed a hot air balloon in the centre. What's life without some excitement and magic sparks anyway?"
Indeed, Mei reminds each and every one of us that life is full of magical sparks through her beautiful, hand crafted accessories that are crafted with love.
In her encouraging words to the budding entrepreneur, Mei emphasises that you can start with whatever you have, no matter what setbacks your face. “Some people dream of having a big shop, and then they never get started. So just start with wherever you are, with whatever resources you have, and trust that you will grow from there. I started by just playing with the beads my mother had."
To own your personalised Crafted by Mei accessory, simply contact her at the details below.

Wait folks, that's not all!
there is more to be revealed, (hint: the next project will be on a first come first served basis, you gotta be quick)
for the latest updates we will be announcing it on our Facebook pages-
be sure to 'Like' them if you want to be in the know
craftedbymei@gmail.com ;)