
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

house moving week

Edited on 13/8/11: customizations back to usual! 

hello! I'm currently in the midst of house moving so I'm afraid I'll have to take a small break on custom requests.
Beads are all in a huge mess and it can be tricky to work on draft designs right now, the last thing I want is for this mess to be even more out of control ;)

However if you have something in mind already, please do email me, we can pour over your ideas and go through all the discussion rounds first :)
Your drafts will be worked on immediately once I have my work table sorted out.

All should be well again by the end of next week, yay

* normal orders & remakes of sold pieces aren't affected by this shift, only customizations.

Thank you for your patience!

Edited on 13/8/11: customizations back to usual!